NeemFirst Blog

halitosis cause: constipation summary & toxins

Halitosis / Constipation Summary & Toxins
In summary, Constipation causes a nasty downward spiral of ill-health.  Halitosis could be the least of your worries in advanced situations of auto-toxification (when your body essentially is poisoning itself due to inefficient detoxification thru the bowel, lungs, skin, kidneys, liver, etc.). Halitosis could be part of the detox process.

For example, it’s not uncommon for people to experience temporary halitosis while Fasting, a  program that will detox the body by simultaneously releasing great amounts of toxins from the organs, previously accumulated and stored over the years.  In this case, it’s obvious that halitosis is part of detoxing. But in life, day-to-day, year-to-year, it’s not so obvious that halitosis is caused by toxins.

Tomorrow:  Halitosis / Constipation Summary (cont)

halitosis cause, I: constipation

Constipation = Backed-Up Plumbing = Playground for Bad Bacteria = Halitosis
Constipation (fewer than 2-3 bowel movements per day) is a serious threat to health, and will affect every condition in the body, including halitosis, toxic load and susceptibility to systemic candidiasis (yeast mutated to resemble fungus, pervades entire body). High toxic load (which can happen to anyone with these conditions) means a challenged lymph system, liver and kidneys, and typically results in halitosis at some point.

Poor liver and kidney health have shown to cause halitosis, too. If you have excessive yeast or candidiasis, the strength of your immune system is assuredly low. Which means that you also lack the proper balance of flora in the gut, a major defense against sources of halitosis.

And all of this contributes to….a population explosion of the bad bacteria, fungus. A side-effect of these is additional mucous along the intestinal lining (which turns into black tar-like plaque and will provide a home for these nasty beasties, parasites, and some theorize disease such as cancer, too; as well as reduce absorption of nutrients. And increase the probably of catching colds, and virus outbreaks. And, of course, halitosis.

Tomorrow:  Halitosis / Constipation Summary

halitosis cause, I: bacteria in the mouth, set g

Acidic Body is Prone to Disease, and Halitosis 
An acidic body is highly prone to disease and the causes of halitosis. To stay healthy and fight back against disease and halitosis, lower your intake of acidic foods: dairy, red meat, sugar, bread, white rice, vinegars [except for ACV]. To lower your body’s acidity, improve your health and win a step in the battle against halitosis, I also recommend drinking the ACV cocktail (search for it on the blog), as well as drinking fresh lemon in your water. The ACV lowers acidity, thereby creating a less favorable environment for halitosis and illness. ACV removes toxins from the mouth / throat when gargled and spit; balances the PH when consumed; AND kills yeast too.
Your body’s acidity is set for the day approximately 3 hours after rising. So drink 20 oz of lemon water before then. And for those thinking, “Lemon?” Yes, lemon (and all citrus) goes thru a chemical conversion in the body, and is in fact alkiline in the body. You can test your acidity with lithmus paper kits to see if acidity is a concern. And there’s also water that helps with alkalinization. Evamore, I think. My doctor recommends a 70/30 ratio favoring alkaline for daily intake. Here’s a chart to give you a better idea of acid/alkaline foods. It’s a good step toward hitting your halitosis.

Tomorrow: Constipation = Backed-Up Plumbing = Playground for Bad Bacteria = Halitosis 

halitosis cause, I: bacteria in the mouth, set f

…and now, back to our regularly scheduled programming…info on Halitosis 
Sugar – Bacteria – Halitosis 
There is an undeniable link between sugar and bacteria, and thus between sugar and halitosis. But if this halitosis connection isn’t enough motivation to stop consuming sugar, know that sugar also throws off your entire processes and hormone production, mutiliates your immune system, and causes weight gain, in addition to feeding bacteria and yeast. And I mean all sugar is considered bad when you’re in a halitosis predicament: bread, white rice, wheat, flour, fruits, and alcohol (except tequila). Most carbs all turn into sugar, which keeps halitosis sticking around. The same can be said of the relationship between candidiasis (yeast) and sugar. Do a search on my blog for sugar substitutes to maintain good health and keep halitosis at bay. They’re good for you, AND good tasting. Xylitol has the double bonus of killing bacteria, so it’s an excellent choice for battling halitosis. My favorite is Agave syrup. Both are obviously excellent sugar substitutes for diabetics, too.

Tomorrow: Acidic Body is Prone to Disease, and Halitosis 

halitosis cause, I: bacteria in the mouth

Halitosis from Bacteria
Halitosis is commonly attributed to malodor created by bacteria. Specifically, halitosis is attributed to bacteria in the mouth. Experts attribute between 85-90% of halitosis to sources in the mouth. In the human population, there are 700 possible germs that may decide to set up shop in your mouth, and may or may not produce halitosis.  Of these, only 300 are known to scientists. The average person has 75 – 100 of these germs inhabiting their mouth and contributing to / or fighting halitosis. To date, six types of bacteria (SIX!) have been linked to halitosis, and three of those were absent in fresh breath! 1

Which means that scientists have possibly narrowed the field of halitosis bacteria to three. (Of course, they have 300 more types of bacteria to investigate. But still; it’s good odds. Which also means that those three are some powerful nasty buggers.) 
Why do I write that bacteria also fights halitosis? Because there’s good and bad bacteria, just like the witches of Oz. Similar intrinsic qualities, with totally different results, and often at cross-purposes. In proper proportions, the good bacteria will choke the halitosis causing bacteria out of real estate and favorable conditions. Of course, the opposite is true, too. The halitosis producing bacteria can shove the good bacteria out of the neighborhood just as fast. Your body is a constant war-zone; territorial battles every day. And what you do to assist that battle against halitosis can make a difference. Every day.

1 Bruce Paster, Forsyth Institute in Boston and the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. ABC, “Bad Breath and the Battle of Bacteria,” Gary Gately, 2007.

Tomorrow:  Where Do These Halitosis-Causing Bacteria Live?