NeemFirst Blog

halitosis cause, I: constipation

Constipation = Backed-Up Plumbing = Playground for Bad Bacteria = Halitosis
Constipation (fewer than 2-3 bowel movements per day) is a serious threat to health, and will affect every condition in the body, including halitosis, toxic load and susceptibility to systemic candidiasis (yeast mutated to resemble fungus, pervades entire body). High toxic load (which can happen to anyone with these conditions) means a challenged lymph system, liver and kidneys, and typically results in halitosis at some point.

Poor liver and kidney health have shown to cause halitosis, too. If you have excessive yeast or candidiasis, the strength of your immune system is assuredly low. Which means that you also lack the proper balance of flora in the gut, a major defense against sources of halitosis.

And all of this contributes to….a population explosion of the bad bacteria, fungus. A side-effect of these is additional mucous along the intestinal lining (which turns into black tar-like plaque and will provide a home for these nasty beasties, parasites, and some theorize disease such as cancer, too; as well as reduce absorption of nutrients. And increase the probably of catching colds, and virus outbreaks. And, of course, halitosis.

Tomorrow:  Halitosis / Constipation Summary

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Very true – yeast overgrowth can cause many side effects such as you mentioned in your article. Great insight- thanks!

Comment by candida albicans

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