NeemFirst Blog

Geriatric Breath vs. Halitosis

Geriatric Breath is NOT Halitosis
Just a sidebar: although the following is not halitosis, it’s a good example of breath as an indicator of health. Geriatric breath (typically found in older people), is not due to age as most think. This non-halitosis breath is actually due to poor health condition, specific to organs loosing functionality, and the break-down of the body’s processes (usually associated with old age). If you’re older, and in good health with fully-functioning organs, etc., then this particular geriatric, non-halitosis breath won’t develop.

Tomorrow: Great Unknown Halitosis Factor: Body Abuse

Halitosis / ill-health 3

Halitosis: Different Causes = Same Symptom
Although many people have halitosis, the halitosis symptoms could have developed due to different factors of “ill-health”. For example, if your immune system is weak, bacteria may run rampant in your mouth; the result: halitosis. Or you may have digestive weakness and improper balance of flora in the gut; not enouth pro-biotics; the result: halitosis. Or, perhaps your PH levels are too acidic, weakening your body in general, and unable to properly control bacteria in the mouth; again, halitosis. Or maybe your body can’t keep up with your current intake of sugar and breads, which feeds bacteria, and could result in halitosis; sugars also upset the PH in the mouth – again, halitosis. Or, as already discussed in this blog, chronic constipation may have set your body on a track of auto-toxification; a combination of typical detoxing and reduced efficiency of elements above, and you’re a candidate for halitosis.

Neem is a natural bactericide, fungicide, and virus killer and can help improve your health under many different conditions and symptoms, including various culprits of halitosis.

Tomorrow: Halitosis vs. Geriatric Bad Breath

halitosis cause: ill-health 2

Halitosis / ill-health 2
Halitosis is a red flag that something is going on.

It’s no coincidence that the checklist for a healthy animal is similar to the human subconsious checklist for an attractive partner. Halitosis is not on that list because halitosis is a sign that there is some type of  “ill” health. Perhaps the illness is not big, and not even considered an “illness,” but halitosis is still a signal that something is going on. Let halitosis be a signal to you. You can act to fix halitosis with natural products like neem, a natural anti-biotic and natural bactericide, fungicide, and virus killer, before it gets worse (or permanent), because halitosis doesn’t go away without dedicated and direct action. (You can do it!!)


Tomorrow: Halitosis : ill-health 3